It was 11 September 2015, we were on a road trip in our beloved West-Canada for the first time. After 2 weeks on the main land in Alberta and British Columbia we were on Vancouver Island staying in the “capital of Salmon” Campbell River.
That day we were heading out with Eagle Eye Adventures in a zodiac boot for an almost 3h trip on the water to Bute Inlet where we visited the local Indian tribe that guided us through an area were there are a lot of grizzly bears fishing for the salmon in the rivers this time of year.
When we came back on board captain Kurt told us we would go for a small detour  because he said to me (with a smile on his face): “ I promised you dolphins and I found you dolphins”.
Dolphins being on my photographic bucket list, I had no objections.
After about half an hour we tracked them down and while we kept a respectful distance before we knew it we were in the middle of a large school of white sided dolphins travelling and sometimes jumping outside the water.
Then they stopped “travelling” and changed to “hunting” mode.  The sound on the water, the speed, agility and collaboration  that these animals portrayed when driving a school of salmon into the coastal rocks of Vancouver island was unseen.
So much action, overwhelming nature, one of these moments that only that moment counts, pure happiness and finally the camera did his part.
Canon 60d EF100-400 (400 mm) 1/500 f5.6 ISO100
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